
How to Host the Perfect Sleepover for Your Kids

Sleepovers are a rite of passage for kids. Do you remember the sleepovers you had, or the sleepovers your friends threw? Now, your own kids have put in a request for a sleepover and the thought may be somewhat daunting. What to feed all those kids, how to keep them entertained, whether they’ll be out of control… there’s a lot to consider!

But, no matter what their age, here are some tips that will help you pull off the perfect sleepover for your kids.

Stock Extra Supplies

Having enough essentials are the key for a successful sleepover. ‘Supplies’ can be anything – extra sleeping bags, mattresses, sheets, pillows, pillowcases and blankets, not to mention towels and washcloths. Not everyone will come prepared, and you need to keep in mind that some guests will have allergies. To be on the safe side, have natural materials on hand. Check out online stores, like the MiniJumbuk website, to grab some extra natural bedding items.

Make Sure the Bathroom Is Ready

Kids tend to use the bathroom a lot! It’s a smart idea to have extra toilet paper and soap on standby. And, again, not every child will come fully prepared, so having extra tissues, toothpaste, and disposable cups is a wise move.

Stick to Small Numbers

It’s best for all involved to keep the number of guests to a minimum. The usual rule for parties is to have the same number of guests to the age of the child, but, for sleepovers, a lot of parents would recommend halving that number. The chances of it being a successful, incident-free sleepover will be greater and you’ll be able to attend to the needs of all the children rather than spreading yourself too thin.

Break-Proof Your House

Kids tend to go wild when there are a few of them in one place – that’s a fact! Make sure you take some time securing valuables or breakable items so you don’t end up with a mess and a possible awkward discussion with the culprit’s parents about replacing any items.

Establish Boundaries

Kids (and even teens) don’t always have a clear idea of boundaries. Give the kids a little tour of the house, letting them know which bathrooms they can use, where extra linens are kept, and, most importantly, which areas of the house shouldn’t be entered. Establish rules clearly, making sure they all understand they can’t just wander around unsupervised.

Have a Good Balance of Food and Drinks

It’s a sleepover; some junk food is allowed! Have a variety of food for dinner and snacks. The usual sleepover fare, like pizza and hotdogs, is expected, but have a few healthy options like veggies and dips and fruit. To avoid wastage and mess, mini sodas and pouch juices are great. Closer to bedtime, offer water.

Plan a Variety of Activities

Kids get bored easily, so games (board or otherwise), jumping on the trampoline, playing sports, or swimming in the pool are all possibilities. Reserve music and movies for nearer to bedtime for the kids to wind down.

With these tips, you should be able to pull off the perfect sleepover. Remember to set boundaries and speak with the guests’ parents beforehand to establish if, for any reason, you should be paying more attention to their children. Most of all, the fun shouldn’t be just for the kids – have fun yourself!

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