
Australia’s Best Free Family Activities

With the cost of living continuing to rise in Australia, finding fun, low cost family activities can be difficult. many things that used to be affordable may no longer provide the same value as they once did. Luckily, there are still many things families can do for relatively low to no costs.

Below are some popular activities that take advantage of our great outdoors. Providing families with a breath of fresh air, fun and a bit of health benefits.

Our Waterways
Regardless of what type of body of water you live near, going to a lake, river, beach etc is always a fun family outing. Water sports, swimming and fishing are always a hit for the family. Often times families neglect or forget about these wonderful resources available to us.

Simple things like wading through estuaries or tidal pools discovering different creatures and marine life with kids – can bring the greatest joy. Take it a step further and extend the fun at home, taking pictures of marine life and then identifying what you saw at home. There are lots of great online resources for identifying Australian fish and marine species. Kids absolutely love learning about different living things in their environment!

Loads of Hiking
Australia is loaded with an abundant choice of environments for hiking, including mountains, foothills, forests/bush, beaches and more. Getting out amongst nature is a great way to recharge the batteries and see incredible landscapes. Hiking does not have to be challenging and can be as simple as just walking around. With so many free parklands available, getting out is simple, free and fun.

Not a fan of the bush, simply to a coast, river or lake walk, there are no shortage of places available.

Cycling, Scooters & Skateboards
Just like the countless number of hiking options available to us. There are just as many bike trails, scooter and skate parks. Most councils have parks that will include some or all of these options for residents and visitors. For those who may not have bikes, scooters or skateboards, many areas often will hire these items out for a very low cost. Borrowing from family and friends is also a great option.

My Favourite is fishing
Fishing has to be one of the most popular activities in the world and most people who try it end up loving it! Whilst its not for everyone, it is a great day out. Being out on the water is always a winner. There is nothing like watching a kid or adult for that matter catch his or hers first fish…and every other fish after it. The fun and sense of accomplishment is incredible.

Different Sports
With the amount of sporting facilities and parks, there is no shortage of areas for families to get out and play some sport. Soccer, cricket, footy or simply playing catch with the kids or pets is another way to get out and enjoy the outdoors without spending and money.

Unlike many places around the world, we are blessed with a great country with so many resources available to everyone. With great weather and so many different environments, finding free outdoor activities for the family is simple – what will you do this weekend?

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