How to Make Your Next Holiday Less Stressful
Holidays are inherently stressful. You have family to worry about, maybe you’re going to visit the in-laws, you have travel reservations to make, gifts to pack, and a multitude of events to plan when you get to your destination. Here’s how to manage all of that stress.

Simple Living Australia is taking on the Yakezie Challenge
Hello Simple Living Australia Readers, In an ongoing effort to improve the SLA blog’s presence and expand on our personal finance network. We have decided to take on the Yakezie Challenge which includes continuous content generation (which we would do anyways) in addition to aggressive networking and partnering with other …

Most Unromantic Valentine’s Day Gifts
With all the wonderful, lovey-dovey atmosphere of the Valentine’s Day its easy to feel overwhelmed with a sense of cuteness overload. It is also a source of great stress when it comes to the way couples are bombarded with advertisements. How do you pick the perfect present that says your …

Most Romantic Getaways for Australians on a Budget
Australians are well known for being avid travelers, keen on exploring the world. However, money is still (naturally) a problem for many people. That’s why a lot of folks aim for a destination that is both romantic and the expenses will not break the bank. This sounds as an almost …

Moving Survival Guide for Australians
In many Australians’ lives, sooner or later there comes the time when they decide to relocate, to start life anew at some other place. Sometimes it is a different city in Australia, but in other cases it is a foreign country. Australians are adventurous and do not fear changes. However, …

Whether you’re a seasoned trader or a novice, having the right tools is imperative. Quickly accessing the right information can make all the difference in the world when trading. What separates a good service versus a poor one? The answer is experience and the ability to deliver on not only …

Best Travel Destinations for Australians
For Australians almost every destination away from home is a real adventure and worth visiting, even for just a day. However, most holiday destinations are a long flight away from Australia. Let’s take a look at the favourite travel destinations of Australians and some of the specifications of their holidays.

5 easy green and frugal changes you can make in your life TODAY!
Let’s take a moment to rewind a few weeks…it was New Years Eve and you were sat with a pen and paper jotting down your resolutions for 2013. You were probably full of good intentions about how you were going to save money as well as making an effort to …

Are You Prepared for a Further Hike in the Cost of Living?
The people of Australia are undergoing a Sisyphean task. Every day, they try to push the boulder they bear to the top of the hill. Every day, it rolls back down to the bottom. The weary citizens’ burden only increasing with each exertion as the hill gets bigger and bigger. …

Last Minute Valentine’s Day Ideas Without Breaking the Bank
It’s almost Valentine’s Day and you haven’t had the time to organize anything yet? There is no need to worry, even if you can’t afford to spend much on a gift or a dinner in a fancy restaurant. There are plenty of things you can do for your significant other …