Saving Money on Holiday Spending
For many, holiday season decorations include tinsel, twinkling lights and dollar signs. Christmas is a great time to spend with family and friends, but it can also break your budget if you do not plan and spend carefully. Here are a few helpful tips to keep your budget on track: …

5 fundamental things I learnt in my first year as a startup
If you are planning to launch a business, you will learn a lot in the first 12 months. Building the foundation for your business is crucial if you want to achieve a successful business operation over the long-term. Business owners are likely to go through a steep learning curve whereby …

Working part time or as a freelancer and looking for additional income streams? Or perhaps you have a full time day job but want to find ways to supplement your income to speed up your savings plan? The beauty of the digital age means that there are now more opportunities …

The Most Important Home Renovations for Your Comfort
Purchasing a home is a big expense and unless you have built a new home, the expense does not end at simply buying the home. When you take possession or live in a home for a few years, you tend to want to make changes. Perhaps the old owner’s style …

4 Steps to Getting Your Dream Car
You saw it once and were struck by its beauty, the way it moved and shimmered in the light, and now your quest is to make it yours. Like any love in life, your dream vehicle can elicit an emotional response that has you seeking it out at traffic lights, …

5 Factors That Motivate People to Undergo Cosmetic Surgery
There can be a number of reasons why people choose to undergo cosmetic surgery, and these reasons can vary from person to person. Although this article outlines suggested motivations, it is worth remembering that it is a very personal decision, and one which should be considered over an extended period …

Top 5 Tips To Become The Hostess With The Mostess
You know that feeling when you’re at a friend’s house and they just manage to make you feel like you don’t have to lift a finger, because they’re just so accomplished? There’s something really special and magical about the feeling that comes when you realise that you’ve been at a …

Top 5 ways to reduce your financial risk when preparing for divorce
Preparing for a divorce involves considerable personal and financial risks. However, there are important ways to reduce your financial risk when preparing for a divorce. The following five tips from www.kwslegal.com.au can help ensure that you are protected financially, giving you confidence and peace of mind throughout the process. Gather …

15 Incredibly Fun Things To Do For Free
If you are living on a fixed income or a tight budget, it is easy to get discouraged about money. However, worrying about money to where it causes stress and affects your lifestyle is no way to be or live. Instead of passing away your days waiting for the right …

5 Tips to Save on Excess Baggage Fees
People who travel know how frustrating it is to be slapped with a fine for having “excess baggage.” Not only is it a hassle, but you’re also risking getting hit by high fees that you may not have budgeted for. In fact for some airlines, fines can cost the same …