Nurturing Nature: 5 Tips for Turning Your Backyard into a Stunningly Space
While it’s true that the climate in Australia can be a little unpredictable sometimes, the country is generally blessed with fantastic weather. It is one of the reasons why there is such a healthy outdoor culture here. People spend long hours sat out in their gardens. They hang with friends …

Upstanding Upcycling – How to Make the Most of Your Old Furniture
If you’ve lived in more than one house or your current home was passed down through family, the chances are that you’ve got a few skeletons hidden away. There might be old armchairs in the attic, shabby dining room furniture piled up in the basement, or moth-eaten curtains in mouldering …

Familial Foresight – 6 Tips For Making Your Home Family Ready
Whether you’re starting a family, expanding your family, or welcoming extended family or children into your home, there are some simple changes and challenges you’ll need to confront in order to prepare your home for the change. Below are 6 simple tips to get your home family-ready and family-friendly. Think …

Scenic Exchange – Tips For Moving to a New State
Moving is always a mixed bag, on one hand it is a great adventure but on the other hand it is hard to say goodbye and this can mean that it is a very stressful time. This is even more true when you are moving interstate. Here are some tips …

Super Cheap Holiday Ideas for a Strict Budget
Are you looking for ways to take your family on a holiday that does not throw your budget out the window? Learning to save just a little for a family holiday can lead to a great family holiday every year for as little as a couple hundred dollars. Learning to holiday on a …

5 Different Ways to Earn Money at Home
With the entrepreneurial industry taking off over the past few years, more and more people are setting up shop from home. If you’re after the flexibility of a career from home but don’t know where to start, check out some of the great ideas below. Rent a Room If you …

4 Tips to Save on Your Electricity Bill
Bills. Nobody likes getting them, and they always seem to arrive when you’re strapped for cash. No matter how much we dislike it, paying bills is part of our lifestyles, and one we are always looking to reduce. Thankfully, you can limit the damage of your electricity bill with a …

5 Things to Keep In Mind When Choosing an Investment Property
Choosing an investment property takes a lot of planning, and many people wait years to find the right place to invest in. Often an investment property is an older house in an established neighbourhood, as new neighbourhoods tend to be developed far away from the city, such as Digger’s Rest …

LED Light Revolution: How to Save on Your Bills
If you are looking to save money on your household bills, there a number of choices you can make to do so. You can switch to more energy efficient appliances, turn off the lights when you are not in a room, use hot water sparingly and cut down on how …

A guide to self-sufficiency: Growing your own food
Imagine stepping out into your own garden to pick fresh fruits and vegetables for an evening feast. This, the dream of many hopeful horticulturalists as healthy eaters alike is a trend that seemingly fell away for several decades, but is now coming back in a big way. This fulfilling hobby …