Around the Home

A Clean Bathroom Is Easier Than You Think

One of the most dreaded rooms in a house to clean is the bathroom, nobody wants to deal with dirty toilets. Unfortunately, it’s one of the most used rooms in the home and depending on the size of your family – can get dirty quickly. While it’s the least favorite room to clean, there are ways to make cleaning a bit more pleasant and even easy. It really comes down to having the right cleaning products and a consistent cleaning routine.

Below are 4 tips to help keep your washroom clean and presentable at all times.

Daily Cleaning  – Depending on when you shower or bathe, try wiping down counter tops and glass fixtures before you leave the bathroom. A small wipe down each day or every other day will eliminate any buildup of dirt and grim. Depending on time of year, this will also help avoid any mold or mildew from growing.

Cleaning Products – Having quality cleaning products is a must.  The right products will clean your bathroom without damaging it. With most things in life you get what you pay for and purchasing cheap cleaning products may end up costing you more in the long run.

Toilet Cleaner – The toilet has to be one of the most hated items to clean in the home, but it doesn’t have to be. There are products you can use which do all the heavy lifting; items such as toilet blocks or gel which help clean your toilet with each flush. Then there are other toilet cleaners such as special formulated wipes which clean and disinfect.

Steam – One great way to really clean a bathroom is to use steam. There are affordable hand held steam devices which naturally clean and disinfect bathrooms with ease. No heavy lifting or scrubbing, just a simple wave of the device over the area you want to clean and a possible wipe down depending on the dirt and grim that may come up.

A combination of the above will make bathroom maintenance much easier and quick. Staying on top of the cleaning will help avoid any huge build ups or grim, mold, mildew or other unpleasant surprises. Bathrooms are generally the smallest rooms in the home and so cleaning should be quick and easy.

What types of bathroom cleaning tips can you provide?

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