Home LED lighting
Around the HomeLifestyle

LED Light Revolution: How to Save on Your Bills

If you are looking to save money on your household bills, there a number of choices you can make to do so. You can switch to more energy efficient appliances, turn off the lights when you are not in a room, use hot water sparingly and cut down on how …

Growing veggies at home
Around the HomeLifestyle

A guide to self-sufficiency: Growing your own food

Imagine stepping out into your own garden to pick fresh fruits and vegetables for an evening feast. This, the dream of many hopeful horticulturalists as healthy eaters alike is a trend that seemingly fell away for several decades, but is now coming back in a big way. This fulfilling hobby …

Keep safe while commuting

4 Ideas for a Safer Work Commute

Every morning and evening the roads become packed with a variety of vehicles, all with different types of drivers making their daily commute. With this many uncontrollable factors there are bound to be accidents! Following the steps below will help to make your commute as safe as possible. Obey road …

regular income from investments

How to generate more income & reduce risk from your investments

Generating extra income can be a challenge and while working more hours may increase your take home, it is of course capped by hours in the day! The alternative is generating investment income, but that can be just a bit harder than it looks! Currently in Australia, lower interest rates …

betting laws in australia

Australian gambling laws: what you need to know

As a country, Australia leads the way in gaming with 80% of the adult population estimated to take part and, according to the Australasian Gaming Council figures, a per capita spend of  $1172.14 for 2014/15. Over recent years these figures have steadily increased due to a number of factors that …

Tips to light your home for cheap
Around the Home

Simple Switches and Other Home Lighting Hacks

The lighting in your home can speak volumes about your space.  Whether you are looking to bring in a sense of warmth, or want to highlight certain features, using light strategically can take a room from okay to inspiring.  Here are some tips to make the most of your space …

How apps can help with home inspections
Around the HomeInvesting

How Property Inspection Apps Help With Investing in a New Home

Purchasing a new home is quite an investment. There are several things to consider you’re your family size and location among other things. Moreover, getting a new house will cost you big money so don’t forget to consider your budget as well. Hence, it is important that you inspect properties …

Maximise time and increase productivity

5 Ways to Boost Your Productivity & Maximise Your Time

Most of us would like to be more productive so that we can maximise our time and increase our output in everything we do. The question is, how do we achieve this? There is no secret to success. Productivity stems from conscious efforts of intelligent planning and delegating, coupled with …

Removing rodents from your home
Around the Home

6 Myths About Rodents and Your Home

How much of what we know about rodents is true? When scouring the internet and asking around, it can be nearly impossible to make a distinction between fact and fiction, so in the hope that we can shed some light on the situation, here’s just a few of the urban …

Saving money on aplumber
Around the Home

How to Save Money with a Reputable Mechanical Plumber

Many new homeowners assume that plumbers and gas fitters are two entirely different entities. After all, one deals with water and pipework and the other deals with a key energy supply. Nevertheless, we can’t be without either of them for long, so regular maintenance is essential. If you develop any …