
DIY Living Room Makeover Ideas

Even in the digital age, we still spend a lot of time in the living room. It’s a place of comfort and it’s perfect for entertaining friends when they drop by. But maybe your living room isn’t quite as well prepared for any occasion as it could be. So what can you do?

Luckily, making over your living room is both easy and inexpensive! Here are a few ideas.


If your furniture is getting a bit outdated or isn’t quite as comfortable as it used to be, there are a few options you can try. You can attempt to reupholster the lounges yourself, utilising a pattern of your own creation to add a personal touch. If the furniture is beyond saving, you could even fire up a band saw and start building chairs of your own. It’s surprisingly easy and they’ll go great with a few homemade cushions! Just make sure your power tools are up to the job – if they’re not, check out what’s currently being manufactured by industry leaders such as Ryobi .


Maybe the furniture’s fine, but the walls are a bit bare and it leaves the room without a lot of character. Easily fixed! If you have any old Ikea-style bookcases, you can refit these to better service the lounge room. Create a flower vase to sit on one of their shelves and stock the others with a few personally decorated picture frames. If you or someone you know is an artist, you could hang a unique piece on the wall to draw the eye.


Of course, not every DIY makeover project has to be about how the room looks. Maybe you want to add something to the room that wasn’t there before. A great example of this is a wall mount for a television. These get the TV off a cabinet and up high, out of the way, opening up lots of room for something else! Wall mounts are inexpensive to purchase from any electronics retailer and are incredibly easy to install yourself!


Alright, the TV’s on the wall. What are you going to do with all that extra space on the TV stand? It could now be the perfect place for decorations of your own design – from decorative lettering spelling out a name or message to a few more picture frames if you have more photos to go on display. You could also create your own cushions or lampshades to bring an extra touch of your personality to the room if you’re handy enough.

Above and Below

Don’t forget about your windows and floors! These are two areas that are frequently overlooked when giving a room a makeover and that’s a shame because they can be instrumental in tying everything together. Creating curtains of your own design is not only a nice personal touch, but you can make them any way you like – thick, thin, long, short – quite cheaply. The same goes for rugs. Rugs are easy to make and they can make a room feel open or cosy with ease.

These are just a few ideas for where to start when considering a living room makeover. There are many other things you can create yourself to bring a genuinely personal touch to any living space.

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