Energy Saving Infographic
EnergyAustralia have created a cool new infographic with illustrates how much you could save on your energy bill if you turn your appliances off at the wall,

What you need to know about Planning Your Estate
Benjamin Franklin once said, “There are only two things that are certain in life: Death and Taxes.” Death and taxes are both uncomfortable topics for most people, but they are both important topics to talk about, especially in relation to each other.

How to Buy a Car on a Tight Family Budget
In today’s economy, it can be hard to fit a new car into a tight family budget. You’ve got bills, a mortgage or rent, groceries and all those unforeseeable expenses that come with having a family.

Does chip-and-PIN mean the number’s up for card fraudsters?
A lesson to be learned from the other side of the world 1st August 2014 saw huge changes in Australian personal finance as we welcomed in the end of an era for Australia’s debit and credit cards, with the last ever signature signed to confirm an over the counter transaction. …

Tips for Buying a Mobile Phone on a Low Budget
Mobile phones are the way of the future and almost everyone owns one these days. If you are living on a low-income, you may think that a mobile phone is out of your reach.

Is a Reverse Mortgage Right for You?
Some seniors who are looking for a way to receive additional income for their retirement years, take out a reverse mortgage. While this can be a great way to receive either a lump sum of money or a steady stream of additional income, it is not without risks.

Is a Formal Debt Agreement the Right Option for You
According to the recent statistics, debt agreements have increased significantly over the last year. This means that more Australians are seeing a formal debt agreement as their only solution to getting themselves out of debt.

Slash Your Transport Costs
If your fuel costs for your vehicles have gotten out of control, you are not alone. Many Australians are dealing with the increase in transport costs over the last several years. This has even made it difficult for many people to fit these increasing costs into their household budget. …

Saving Electricity Costs by Swapping Energy Providers
Over the past four years, the costs for electric services have dramatically increased in Australia. No doubt, this increase has greatly affected your household budget, and forced you to look for alternatives to help you reduce these costs and save money.

Stamp Duty and how it affects you
Before you make a large purchase, it will be important for you to be aware of