Live a Greener Lifestyle with an Energy Efficient Home
As the number of new homes being built continues to rise across the country, Aussie households are consuming more energy and demanding more of the power grid. Green living is a hot topic at the moment, and now more than ever Australians are becoming increasingly aware of using energy more …

35% of Australians have experienced stress relating to their mortgage in the last 12 months, according to a survey released today by

Dealing with Emotional Stress During a Move
Moving to a new place carries a certain degree of stress with it. For some it could be far more unpleasant than for others, but there are always ways you can limit that. You can truly enjoy the act of moving if you view things in a more positive light, …

Scrapheap Challenge – Is it time to let go of your car?
When do you know it’s time to call the wreckers to collect your wheels? Is it the kilometres you’ve racked up, the chips in the paint or the realisation that none of your other friends are driving cars that still sport a bumper sticker saying “Jobs, not GST”?

Top Destinations for the Budget-Conscious Traveler
A lot of people typically think that travelling is solely a costly privilege to be had where you have to shell out a few thousand dollars in order to fully enjoy your trip. Despite this fact, there are actually a good number of ways one can discover different parts of …

Impulse Buy Infographic – Rabo Direct
Everybody loves to score a great deal, but more and more of us seem to be wasting unnecessary funds by impulsively buying items we don’t really need. Impulse buying appears to be rising to alarming levels in the modern day consumer, with over 81% of us admitting that we have …

Keeping a Few More Bucks in Your Pocket: Tips to Cut Down Expenses
A mere $2.50 for coffee every morning—no big deal, right? It’s not very much. But every day for 365 days in a year adds up to $912.50. Imagine how much you could buy for $912.50!

Healthy lifestyle, Healthy Choices; Three Easy to Implement Activities for Longevity
Preventative activities and living a healthy lifestyle is no longer something that, “those people do”. In a recent survey of national health, Australia was ranked one of the fattest nations in the developed world. With a host of secondary complications associated with obesity such as diabetes and stroke and vascular …

7 Practical Tips for Saving on Petrol
The cost of living seems to continue to rise while salaries stay flat. This really puts financial pressure on the average Aussie family trying to make ends meet. Outside of getting a raise or looking for a new job with a higher salary, controlling expenses is one of the best …

Where To Go On Cycle Holidays In Australia
Exploring Australia by cycling can be a great way to visit the country. This article examines where to go, when and how to get the best possible experience.