Tips and Tricks for Preparing Your Car for Sale
If you’re trying to sell your car, you might be tempted to list and offload it as fast as possible. That way, you’ll be free to move forward with any plans to purchase a new vehicle. However, waiting just a week or two can result in a substantial increase in …

Buying a Car in Australia
Australia is a vast nation and a country where travel by car is a necessity for the great majority of the population that live outside of major urban centres. An expansive urban sprawl, high house prices, and an underdeveloped public transport network all combine to make daily car travel a …

5 Need-To-Know Health Insurance Tips
It’s hard to avoid all the noise about private health cover. You might’ve noticed headlines nationwide discussing a 6% rate rise, now seemingly a perennial increase. Health cover is a big part of the cost of living for many families, couples and single, and oftens feels like an expensive and/or …

3 Reasons Australians may finally Stop Seeing the Bad Sides of Coupons
Recently, a friend told me about a colleague who claims to be the captain of anti-couponing team. Like, the whole anti-couponing squad, she doesn’t seem to think that using coupons may offer any good and believes that overspending drives us to earn more and do better in our professional life. …

Sleep Better With These Brilliant Sleep Hacks
We can all benefit from catching an extra hours sleep from time to time. Not only can having a good bedtime routine improve our mood and wellbeing but it can also have a positive impact on our health. There are many scientific sleep hacks proven to help you drift off …

Top Ten Tips to Easily Sell Your Car
The decision to sell anything can be a tough one at times, particularly if you’re going at it alone. As a seller, you’re caught between trying to offer a fair deal to a fair person, and trying to strike the right deal for yourself. This is precisely why selling a …

Meal Tips for Low Income Families
Getting the right amount of nutrition on a low income may seem next to impossible, but following these tips can help you get to a point of getting enough nutrition. Providing the right nutrition will help your children thrive in school and provide a foundation for healthy living. The tips …

5 Things to Do in the Event of a Motor Accident
While you may be a skilled driver with plenty of experience, you could still be involved in a motor accident – whether it’s your fault or someone else’s. It will no doubt be a stressful situation, but if you take note of certain things to do in the event of …

Financing Your Retirement
Have you thought about your retirement lately? Whether you’ve just secured your first job or have been working for decades, it’s never too early or too late to start planning how you’ll finance the years beyond your working life. A good place to start when making financial decisions for your …

Businesses can save money with government LED lighting
Energy bills are starting to take their toll on Australian retailers. Lighting costs are one of the biggest energy consumers for retail businesses and has a significant impact on retailers overheads. Government agencies such as AEMC have predicted that energy prices will remain flat over the next 15 years, however, …