Protecting Your Family: The Dangers of Being Uninsured
There are many steps you can take to look out after your family’s well-being; eating healthy food, creating a safe and welcoming home environment, and trying to stress the importance of right and wrong (however arbitrary as that might be) are just a few ways you can look out after …

Why and When to Handle a Will in Australia
Writing a will is often viewed as too morbid of a conversation by many people. Here in Australia, we have a wonderful lifestyle and we choose to focus on that rather than anything remotely involving death. However, when looked at both practically and positively, a will is something that people …

Where Car Insurance Provides No Protection
There’s no escape from car insurance in Australia. As a bare minimum, compulsory third party insurance (CTP or green slip insurance) is required, and heavy penalties are levied for driving without it.

Common injury claims filed in courts today
No one likes the thought of an accident yet the sad reality is that accidents will always occur. However, when you sustain injuries due to the carelessness of another person, you are eligible to file a personal injury claim lawsuit.

Understanding Lender’s Mortgage Insurance and how you can avoid it
So you’ve decided to buy a house. Congratulations! No doubt you have been building up a deposit for that dream home for some time. As a standard rule of thumb, saving a 20% deposit on the house’s total value will allow a borrower to avoid paying Lender’s Mortgage Insurance (LMI).

Healthy lifestyle, Healthy Choices; Three Easy to Implement Activities for Longevity
Preventative activities and living a healthy lifestyle is no longer something that, “those people do”. In a recent survey of national health, Australia was ranked one of the fattest nations in the developed world. With a host of secondary complications associated with obesity such as diabetes and stroke and vascular …

Could you cope financially if you suffered a workplace injury?
If you work on a construction site, or regularly handle dangerous materials, you may expect your job to be dangerous with a higher propensity to workplace accidents and injuries. However, it’s a scary fact that accidents and injuries could happen in every single workplace in Australia – yes, even if …

Insurance is an interesting and varied field with many different facets and nuances. Case in point? Even though just about anything and anyone can be insured, there are professions and occupations that carry more risk than others and these jobs at times can be hard to insure. But not impossible.

Family Planning for Financial Peace of Mind
For many families, financial stability is just a dream. It may seem like the money going out is much steadier than the money coming in, but fortunately, managing finances and creating monetary peace of mind is not rocket science. It might take some planning, but after you get in the …

Don’t Risk a Life without Protection
How are you doing on those New Year’s resolutions so far? Are you keeping your promise to get in shape or give up smoking? We make these resolutions because for a moment we are thinking about our future and how we want to make sure that we will actually live …