Five Signs That Your Business is Facing Insolvency
As a business owner, no matter how large or small your organisation is, you take pride in the work that you do, and if you started the business from the ground up, you probably feel like it is really a part of you, so you never want to see it …

The Dangers of Your Safe and Cushy Office Job
Do you spend your evenings watching a certain group of adventurers brave the dangers of the icy north for a chance at a beautiful haul of ocean gold in the shape of crabs? Do you find yourself thinking “I’m glad I work in a climate controlled environment where the only …

Surviving a Crunch: Money Saving Tips That Count
People often think that having a savings plan requires making significant lifestyle changes and cutting back on the more enjoyable things in life. Depending on your current situation there may be some areas which require a more frugal approach; although there are many strategies available which can help you save …

Comparison Sites Save Money on Electric Bills
Due to the surprisingly high increases in electricity costs, many Australian citizens are unable to afford to pay their utility bills. According to The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal and the Essential Services Commission (ESC), thousands of households are having their electricity disconnected for failure to pay. With the cost …

How to improve your business cashflow management
Irrespective of the size of your business, one of the fundamental keys to success is being able to effectively manage your cash flow. Even the most profitable business can fail if adequate attention and resources are not delegated to developing a functional cash flow management strategy. When your company is …

How to Save For Your First Car
The average Australian citizen can remember back to the time when they were able to purchase their first vehicle. They remember how good it felt, to get behind the wheel and drive knowing the car belonged to them. They can also recall how hard they had to work to save …

Cash Loans for Centrelink and Bad Credit
Been refused by the banks? Frustrated with the lack of cash loan options? If you are in need of some quick cash, a microloan is just for you! Fast approval, flexible terms, poor credit acceptance & apply online Microloans are a great way to receive cash quickly for financial emergencies. …

Cashflow management – How to keep your business out of debt
In recent years people have become accustomed to thinking that credit is a necessity, with business owners often choosing to borrow first and ask questions later. By focusing on managing your working capital and monitoring how cash is spent and saved you can avoid going into unnecessary debt. Managing cashflow …

Australian Small Loan Options
If you are having troubles qualifying for a mainstream loan or need immediate cash, there are great lending options available to you beyond the banks. There are numerous boutique finance companies that provide small specialised personal loans which are a great alternative from traditional lenders and generally approve funds quicker. …

Teaching Kids How To Save Money
Many middle age parents are still taking care of their children well into their twenties because they failed to prepare them to thrive on their own financially. Their failure to teach their kids to save money has caused them to have to continue to support them as adults. For young …