Corporate Culture – 5 Fascinating Ways Aussie Office Culture Is Changing Post-Pandemic
Our island home might have cushioned us from the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic here in Australia, but it has still dramatically impacted the way we live and work. There is a high likelihood that 2020 saw your company open up more flexible work from home conditions, and now in …

Changes you can make today that will help your business to succeed
Running your own business can be stressful. Not only does the success of your business determine your own personal success, but you also feel the responsibility for everyone that works for you. No matter what industry or sector you are competing in, there are certain things that you can be …

Industrial Fans: Important Pieces of Equipment in a Pandemic
Industrial fans are already considered important pieces of equipment in industrial and commercial setups used to accommodate a large-scale flow of gas or air for a wide range of processes inside that industry. Although these construction machines look just like their general-purpose counterparts, there are many differences between them. General-purpose …
Paul Sera’s Journey: Passion, Motivation and Success
Born and raised in an Australian family with his automotive enthusiast brother and father, Paul is a self-motivated personality, a successful entrepreneur, a supercar lover and an IT maverick. In life, we all work hard for our goals. But often, some of these goals walk all over our valued passions. …

How Popular is Cryptocurrency in Australia
Cryptocurrency has been around for over a decade now and, though the viability of this alternative currency of sorts was originally, and still is, questioned by many, the inevitability of its growing trust is starting to show itself. Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others are joining the mainstream field of investments available …

Become a Graduate Entrepreneur
If you’re a student, and if you’re graduating soon, you probably already have one eye on the jobs markets. Unless you’ve been living under a rock in recent times, you’ll have noticed that jobs aren’t as plentiful as perhaps they once were. The pandemic has meant many job losses and …

10 tips to respond competently to industrial spills
In some industrial facilities or workplaces, spills are almost unavoidable. The most important thing to do when Spills occur is to react quickly and prevent further damage! If the workers are using hazardous materials or chemicals, it is considered to be an Emergency Spills. Steps to take during a spill …

Media Release: Co-share Workplace Complaints – Company’s Like Justco Using Loopholes.
Thousands of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) facing financial difficulties as a result of the economic devastation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic are not covered by the federal government’s Mandatory Code of Conduct for commercial rent relief. Asset finance brokerage Talk to a Broker (TTAB) leases office space in the …

eCommerce Essentials: How To Start Building Your Brand As An Online Retailer
Once you have all of the logistics of your online business set up, including your parcel delivery processes, you need to start thinking about the big picture. Building a brand, for example, is critical for standing out from competitors and creating a company that your customers love. There is a …

Australian Employment Law: What You Should Know
All of us, at one stage or another, have believed that we will never need to see an employment lawyer. Statistically speaking, this cannot be true which is why it is so critical that we familiarise ourselves with the current laws that are in place to protect employees and employers. …