Tips to light your home for cheap
Around the Home

Simple Switches and Other Home Lighting Hacks

The lighting in your home can speak volumes about your space.  Whether you are looking to bring in a sense of warmth, or want to highlight certain features, using light strategically can take a room from okay to inspiring.  Here are some tips to make the most of your space …

How apps can help with home inspections
Around the HomeInvesting

How Property Inspection Apps Help With Investing in a New Home

Purchasing a new home is quite an investment. There are several things to consider you’re your family size and location among other things. Moreover, getting a new house will cost you big money so don’t forget to consider your budget as well. Hence, it is important that you inspect properties …

Removing rodents from your home
Around the Home

6 Myths About Rodents and Your Home

How much of what we know about rodents is true? When scouring the internet and asking around, it can be nearly impossible to make a distinction between fact and fiction, so in the hope that we can shed some light on the situation, here’s just a few of the urban …

Saving money on aplumber
Around the Home

How to Save Money with a Reputable Mechanical Plumber

Many new homeowners assume that plumbers and gas fitters are two entirely different entities. After all, one deals with water and pipework and the other deals with a key energy supply. Nevertheless, we can’t be without either of them for long, so regular maintenance is essential. If you develop any …

eco friendly home office
Around the HomeLifestyle

Eco-Friendly Practices You Should Adopt in Your Home Office

Since the late 1990’s, more Australians are choosing to work from home. The advancement of the internet and web communications means employees can choose to work remotely from home or hot desk from their favourite café, restaurant or coworking space. However, many people that work from home start to adopt …

Save on your energy bill this winter
Around the Home

Saving on Your Energy Bill This Winter

With every season comes a different set of costs. Electricity is one of the biggest for summer and winter months with air conditioners or heaters working overtime. Each year Simple Living Australia provides tips on different creative ways to save on energy costs. This year we were invited by EnergyAustralia …

Costs for a first home
Around the HomeInvesting

Your First Mortgage: How Much Can I Borrow?

You’ve decided that you’d like to buy a home. Congratulations! But before you start browsing property listings and gathering moving boxes, you need to ask a big question: “How much can I borrow?” Chances are, if you’re a first-time homebuyer then you will, in fact, need to borrow money for …

Small welding jobs around the home
Around the Home

How to Be the Perfect Weekend Handyman

We could all benefit from skills that help save money on household repairs. There is something satisfying about solving a problem with your own DIY solution. Instead of calling in the pros, why not build up your handyman repertoire and work your way through some common household repair tasks? Read …

Learn to how to prevent blocked drains at home
Around the Home

The Homeowner’s Guide to Preventing Blocked Drains

For homeowners, few things are as stressful as a majorly blocked drain. It can cause all kinds of problems, from a nasty smell to a completely flooded room. Yet, you’d be surprised at how casually many of us treat our plumbing systems. We know that there are certain things that …

investment property mistakes
Around the Home

10 Serious Property Investment Mistakes to Avoid

For property investors, there’s a lot of focus on cash and capital. It’s all about crunching numbers and working out how much of a profit is guaranteed, after the hard work and tough choices have been made. Much less attention is given to the daunting number of practical tasks and …