Personal Finance

3 Financial facts you wish they had taught you in school

Your school days were meant to be the very best days of your life, filled with fun, laughter, friendship… Oh, and a few lessons too! But how many of us can honestly remember learning about issues that would affect us in the real world?

affordable housing
LifestylePersonal Finance

Affordable Housing in Today’s Market

Many people today are concerned about the volatile housing market and their ability to find affordable housing in Australia. The good news is that the government has put several programs into place that provide many affordable housing options.

paying to much in bank fees
LifestylePersonal Finance

Are You Paying Too Much in Bank Fees?

Many people waste money each month on unnecessary bank and credit card fees and charges. Typically, these are small charges here and there, but overtime they can add up to a lot of extra expenses.

High cost for energy
LifestylePersonal Finance

5 Ways to Save Money on Your Energy Bill

Energy costs continue to rise across Australia, with the Australia Bureau of Statistics reporting that electricity prices are up 72 percent, and other energy prices up by 45 percent.

how to pick a credit card
Personal Finance

How to choose a credit card

With the way modern finances work, it’s becoming incredibly difficult to go through life without owning and using a credit card. In fact, many experts argue that for anyone looking to make large purchases or manage their finances in an intelligent and safe manner, a credit card is indispensable. However, …

picking a used car
InvestingPersonal Finance

Money Saving Tips when Buying a Used Car

Buying a brand new car gives a certain thrill, but it may not always be the most financial sound decision. A new car depreciates in value by as much as 40% during its first year on the road, with a whopping 20% coming off the second it drives off the …

Bag with inheritance
InvestingPersonal Finance

Hanging Onto a Large Inheritance: Smart Investments to Set You Up

Without the proper planning, you can run through the money in your inheritance in as little as two years. Legacy Partners Financial Group President Jason Flurry sees this happen often enough to unprepared heirs.

InsurancePersonal Finance

Trust Fund – Is It a Good Idea?

Trust funds may seem as the province of the wealthy in the modern world, but establishing one comes with a lot of benefits, regardless of your financial status. Essentially, they are financial tools that are set up for persons, organizations and charities, and they allow them to set provisions on …

card mistakes
Personal Finance

5 Financial Mistakes that can Affect your Credit Score

Having a bad credit score may make you look like a risk to any moneylender. Living in the moment is not an option. In the future, your financial situation may be different and you may want to borrow for a home, holiday or car. Having a bad credit rating now …

hot suburbs to purchase in
InvestingPersonal Finance

Five Australia Suburbs in High Demand

According to a top sellers’ report from July 2013, ranks South Australia and Victoria as two of the regions in highest demand. The following five suburbs from around the country were at the top of the list, according to buyer interest.