Energy Saving Infographic
EnergyAustralia have created a cool new infographic with illustrates how much you could save on your energy bill if you turn your appliances off at the wall,

How to Buy a Car on a Tight Family Budget
In today’s economy, it can be hard to fit a new car into a tight family budget. You’ve got bills, a mortgage or rent, groceries and all those unforeseeable expenses that come with having a family.

8 Ways to Save on Your Grocery Bill
If you rely on a low fixed income to cover your grocery bill, you know that the money doesn’t often go very far. While the money you receive may be set, there are things you can do to stretch your grocery budget.

The Home Office: Energy Saving Tips
Working from home certainly has it perks; zero commuting time and cost, access to the fridge, more comfortable breaks, the dog doesn’t get lonely – the list goes on and on.

Scams that the Elderly Should Know About & Avoid
It’s a sad state of affairs when money grubbers start targeting the elderly population for their hard earned money. Unfortunately the growing numbers of scams that directly target the elderly population are growing.

It’s perfect time to start saying goodbye to paper bills and records
We’ve been talking about the paperless office for years, yet for many (most?) individuals and small businesses, the dream of readily available digitised financial and business records that are easily found, accurate and secure, remains just that – a distant dream.

Is Renting or Leasing Household Appliances a Good Option?
If you are in need of a new household appliance like a new stove, refrigerator, or washing machine, or you want a new computer, household furniture or large TV, but do not have the funds, you may be tempted to consider leasing or renting these goods.

How to Prepare for a Redundancy
As more and more companies seem to be downsizing, or closing down altogether, as is the case with Toyota and General Motors, more people than ever are concerned about their own job security. The truth is that the unemployment rate is resting steady at around 6 percent, with many experts …

Make the Best Use of Your Tax Refund
If you are a low-income earner, it is possible that you may have paid more money in taxes than you owed on your tax return. In addition, you may be eligible for certain tax offsets to reduce you overall tax burden.

Finding Discounted Furniture In Queensland
Traditionally finding discounted furniture meant trudging the streets on Boxing Day to find a setting you liked and fighting it out with the masses to order it from the one remaining salesman who wasn’t on annual leave, only to be informed there was a 6-8 week wait.