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7 Secrets To Saving Money On Your Power Bill

There are a few things that are certain in life: work, taxes and bills. As much as we might wish, we can’t avoid any of these our whole lives. And really, we can frame these positively as they mean that we can enjoy life’s little luxuries: like money to spend, thriving cities and keeping the lights on.

In this useful article, we’re going to share seven secrets that will help you save money on your power bill each month.

  1. Get an Electrical Check-Up

By contacting an electrician in Middle Park, you could save serious money on your power bill. They can come and inspect your property, your wiring and your circuits and determine if there are any faults or issues that might be causing a high power bill. They can also fix any safety issues or hazards – which left untreated can be a serious risk to your families health and safety.

  1. Switch Off Appliances at the Wall

Leaving things like televisions, microwaves, sound systems and other household appliances on standby can contribute a fair amount to your energy bill each month. Where possible, go around and switch these off at the wall when they are not in use. Also, do this if you are expecting to be away for a few days – there’s no point leaving things on standby if you’re not around.

  1. Invest in Solar Panels

If possible, invest in solar panels on your roof. With government subsidies and power buying schemes through your energy retailer, you could wind up breaking even for the cost of installation, as well as saving on future bills.

  1. Keep Climate Control on Optimal Temperatures

Blasting your heating and cooling during the peak of winter/summer can be a surefire way to guarantee an expensive power bill. As a rule of thumb, most climate control systems have optimal temperatures for each season. This will vary depending on your type of climate control but it is worth researching more.

  1. Eligible for Concession?

You may be eligible for a concession discount on your bill if you are a student, single parent or are living on a low income. Check with your energy retailer to see if you are eligible, and you could save a significant amount on your power bill.

  1. Take Advantage of Natural Light

During the day, try to avoid having the lights on and instead open your window coverings to let in natural light. You should have enough light to do most tasks by, and if you do need some artificial lights try a small lamp instead of the overhead light.

  1. A Tip About Washing

Your washer and dryer use a fair amount of electricity to operate. Try to let your loads of washing build up until there’s enough for a full load, instead of doing multiple smaller loads – unless it’s necessary. You will find this tip will save you money on your power bill each month or quarter.

A Cost-Cutting Conclusion

Book an electrician for a power efficiency and safety check – even just for peace of mind. Turn appliances off at the wall where possible and if you are going away. Invest in solar for your roof if you can, and keep your air conditioning and climate control systems on optimal temperatures for the season. Check with your power retailer if you are eligible for a concession discount, and take advantage of natural light through the day. Finally, make sure to let your washing pile up until there’s a full load’s worth to cut down on using your washer and dryer.

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