Tax Tips: 6 Ways Self-Employed Australians Can Reduce Their Tax Bill
Even if you work with one of the best tax agents in Australia, it’s possible that you’re paying more tax each year than is strictly necessary. As a self-employed business owner or contractor, you have plenty of scope for taking charge of your finances and reducing your taxable income. Start …

Ten tips from the ATO for Tax Time 2015
ATO Press Release July 2015 In 2015, we expect over 12 million Australians will lodge a tax return. While most will go through without a hitch, sometimes there are delays due to minor errors. In fact, in 2014 the ATO had to contact over 350,000 taxpayers to correct mistakes. So …

The ATO promotes technology to meet tax and super obligations
The ATO is laying the groundwork for more individual taxpayers to complete and lodge their returns online.

The Benefits of Expanding Your Business
Business expansion is an exciting prospect for any owner, whether it’s a large multinational company or a small startup business. It offers the dream of innovative growth, an expanded client portfolio, and the chance to get your name and products floating further around your region.

Make the Best Use of Your Tax Refund
If you are a low-income earner, it is possible that you may have paid more money in taxes than you owed on your tax return. In addition, you may be eligible for certain tax offsets to reduce you overall tax burden.

Preparing for Your 2014 Tax Return
Ready or not, tax season is here. Although, you have until 31 October 2014 to file your official tax return, now is the time to start gathering all your paperwork together. It is best to get a box or file folder to put all your paperwork in as you receive …

ATO urges second opinion on tax schemes
The ATO’s long-standing advice on tax schemes, “if it’s too good to be true, it probably is”, has been given a makeover in line with its process of reinventing itself.

Tax and super even more accessible through myGov
Below is a piece from the ATO Community Relations team providing detail on the ease of managing important government related financial matters online.

5 Great Tax Minimisation and Reduction Tips
With the financial year slowly coming to an end, now may be the time to start thinking about strategies for tax minimisation and reduction for the remainder of this year and planning for the next. As tax may be one of your largest expenses or outgoings, a priority should be …

Filing Tax for Americans Living in Australia
As a US citizen or permanent resident, you are required to file a US tax return whether in Australia or any other parts of the world. With a fair number of Americans living and working in Australia, there are quite a few tax preparation services available. In addition, filing tax …