Top Ten Tips to Easily Sell Your Car
The decision to sell anything can be a tough one at times, particularly if you’re going at it alone. As a seller, you’re caught between trying to offer a fair deal to a fair person, and trying to strike the right deal for yourself. This is precisely why selling a …

5 Things to Do in the Event of a Motor Accident
While you may be a skilled driver with plenty of experience, you could still be involved in a motor accident – whether it’s your fault or someone else’s. It will no doubt be a stressful situation, but if you take note of certain things to do in the event of …

Making Your Retirement worthwhile with Superannuation
Whether you are a just starting your career or are in the last years of it a Super in Australia should be a priority for your financial health and well-being. The best part is that since a Super retirement fund is part of the legislation in Australia mandating that employers …

5 Things To Consider When Hiring A Bookkeeper
As a business owner, hiring a bookkeeper is a great step forward, allowing you to look after your clients and grow your business instead of spending your time watching the pennies. A good bookkeeper will free you up while keeping your books in good order, and they will look after …

Financial Challenges Seniors Face
While retirement and old age should be a time of relaxation after years of hard work, some seniors do not get to enjoy their retirement because of financial concerns. Whether this is due to late retirement planning or misunderstanding how retirement benefits work, financial worries can put a major damper …

Saving Money on Holiday Spending
For many, holiday season decorations include tinsel, twinkling lights and dollar signs. Christmas is a great time to spend with family and friends, but it can also break your budget if you do not plan and spend carefully. Here are a few helpful tips to keep your budget on track: …

Looking to Start A Business? Here Are Some Options to Consider
While many people have aspirations to be a business owner, owning and operating a successful business demands more than just a great idea and willingness to invest hard work and effort. The great news is that, if you feel ready to change from being an employee to a business owner, …

Top 5 ways to reduce your financial risk when preparing for divorce
Preparing for a divorce involves considerable personal and financial risks. However, there are important ways to reduce your financial risk when preparing for a divorce. The following five tips from www.kwslegal.com.au can help ensure that you are protected financially, giving you confidence and peace of mind throughout the process. Gather …

Save Big By Buying Generic
Living on a budget does not have to be complicated. In fact, simply changing a few of your buying habits could save your hundreds if not thousands of dollars every year! One simple trick you can use that is guaranteed to save you money – buy generic. It really is …

Addressing the financial obstacles experienced by first home buyers
Trying to get onto the property ladder seems to become a much tougher challenge for every generation. We hear complaints about property prices spiraling out of control so much that it is to the point where people cannot afford to place a deposit on their home. There are affordable options …