Is Buying a Car with Cheap Insurance a Good Idea?
Many people think that the only way to save on their car insurance is by buying the cheapest used car to insure that they can find. However, this isn’t necessarily true. Several factors go into how much you pay for your car insurance, and the type of car you drive …

Body Corporate Insurance – taking the stress out of taking charge
If you own an apartment or other strata title arrangement, you’ve no doubt come across the often mysterious yet powerful body corporate. But who are they? What do they do? And do you want to get involved? Let’s first look at what the body corporate is. Put simply, the body …

How to save on your Business Insurance in 2020
All too often insurance is brushed away or avoided. We get it, it’s the classic grudge purchase. Unfortunately, this ends up driving businesses to not understand what they are buying, keep the same products for too long and not spend the time shopping around. We want to put a stop …

Ensuring Insurance – The Benefits of Buying from the Right Insurance Company
When you are planning your next trip, you will want to feel confident that you have done everything necessary to prepare for the journey ahead. This includes going through a variety of checklists, packing your belongings carefully, and choosing the right travel insurance provider. The market for travel insurance is …

What To Consider When Taking Out Health Insurance
For Australians, private health insurance serves as a financial safety net that can help shoulder the medical costs Medicare doesn’t. However, choosing which health insurance is right for you can be extremely challenging and overwhelming. You have to do some research and have the enthusiasm to shop around and compare …

The Trials of Travel – A Guide to Simplifying the Annoying Necessities of International Travel
International travel is a reality for many in the corporate workforce. Overseas business meetings are sometimes undertaken frequently. Sending many people overseas, towing with them a bag they can fit a week-long wardrobe in, a pile of paperwork from their printouts, and a list of souvenir requests from relatives and …

Insured Delights – 6 Common Insurance Mistakes & How Businesses Can Avoid Them
We all know the internet can be a place of inconsistencies. Increasingly, we’re being forced to confront some of the disadvantages of having this remarkable tool right at our fingertips. For businesses, it opens up a tremendous amount of opportunities, but it can also be a limiting force. This is …

How to make a will: Top 5 Tips
Making a will can often seem like a complex and daunting task. However, with the support of an experienced estate lawyer to guide you through this process, you can be assured that your family will be protected in the event of your passing, and that your will reflects your final …

According to Choice, my health cover is junk. What next?
Ironically, one of the most common ways people end up with expensive and ineffective health insurance – AKA ‘junk’ policies – is through trying to save a little money. Health insurance premiums rise every year, this year by an average of 5.59%. When a consumer realises this and calls their …

Can you afford a Pet?
Are you thinking about buying a new furry friend for your house? You might want to take a few minutes to read about some of the expected costs you get with a new animal before you take the plunge. Buying a new pet is serious business. Animals need good, loving …